Having a fairly good time at Hollywood and Vine
9 September 2019
Although "Hollywood and Vine" is enjoyable to view one time through, one could wish it were a little more filled out. However, if it had been more filled out, it likely would have been too tedious, and hence less enjoyable, to comfortably watch. So we have what we have. The story is a good enough one to be told and the acting good enough to tell it. B-movie stalwarts Ms. McKay and Mr. Ellison look characteristically so very happily 1940s in their personal appointments and behavior! It is a pleasant production throughout, gentle, lightly comedic, and respectful, and the veteran supporting cast adds fun and flavor. Vehicles from the 1930s and 1940s are fun to see. However, twice Ms. McKay's changes of heart toward Mr. Ellison seem abrupt and without reason. Furthermore it seemed to me that it was as if some of the film's scenes were re-shot and edited-in later., with the post-production editor possibly overwhelmed by the amount of material from which to choose and the amount of time available to do it. Here's my recommendation: if you watch the movie long enough to see the two leads part after discovering each other at the the highway cafe, go ahead and stay around for the rest of it.
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