Clowning Around (1992 TV Movie)
Aussie Simplicity and Circus Intimacy; CLASSIC !
7 September 2019
I finished watching this prodction last night; 1st time in like 27 years ! (Think it was shown on UK TV in 1992).

Sim, a young Austraian orphan, pursues his unlikely dream of becoming a circus clown, against his foster father's desire for him to become a mechanic. Despite his community telling him to 'grow up' and pursue a 'real' career, he adamantly perseveres and becomes a successful clown in a French circus.

An interesting selection of 'random' unknown actors; only one I know of otherwise in Ernie Dingo of Crocodile Dundee / Heartbreak High fame. Classic theme tune; a tad dramatic & menacing, yet jokey too. I also like the intimate portrayal of Sim's clown act in everyday life. Everytime you see him in his personal life, he's baring something clown realted (a hat, braces, baggy britches, Circus poster, etc.), thus portraying clowning as more than just an act.

So I'll give this 9/10 for being cheap and cheerful, intimate and charming, and a general thumbs up produciton for us early 90s kids !
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