A solid retelling of the classic tale
3 September 2019
"A Star is Born" may be the definition of Oscar bait, yet the film does enough to differentiate itself from previous versions and is legitimately enjoyable on its own. Well-crafted and emotional, "A Star is Born" is well worth the watch for cinephiles and average movie-goers alike.

The movie is beautiful in so many ways. The most outstanding is the cinematography; the visuals in the movie are captivating and gorgeous. This makes sense, as a movie about musicians is free to play around with bright colorful lighting and energetic camera work during the musical performances. Even outside of the music scenes though, every frame in the movie is a work of art. An absolute pleasure to the eye.

The acting is also a major highlight, specifically the chemistry between the leads. I remember being surprised at the casting of Lady Gaga in a big dramatic role (I'd guess I'd never thought of her as an actress), and even more surprised that she got an acting nomination, but after finally watching this movie long after awards season came to a close, it became clear to me that there was no better choice for the role. Her chemistry with Bradley Cooper is incredible; both leads do their absolute best to make this relationship real, emotionally charged, and heartbreaking in the end. Sam Elliott is also a standout, of course, as he is in any role.

And of course, one can't talk about "A Star is Born" without mentioning the phenomenal music. The soundtrack is also incredible, and the way that the individual songs mirror the action taking place on screen is even better. The soundtrack album is one of those where, if you listen to it before even watching the film, you're likely to go into it liking the movie before you've even seen it.

Regrettably, the only thing standing between this movie and near perfection is issues with the script. The time frame for the movie is not made clear at all, it could have taken place over a month or a few years and we wouldn't know the difference. This muddles Jack and Ally's relationship a bit, although clearly they are somewhat instantly attracted to one another, it's not made clear how long their tour together is, or how long it takes Ally to record and release her debut album, or how long after they met they get married, and as such their relationship lacks some depth as the audience has no idea how long it took to develop. In addition, there's too much reliance on plot conveniences (for example, why was Jackson's driver waiting for Ally outside of her job when she gave him no indication that she would be going to Jack's show?) and these can distract from the narrative.

In the end though, "A Star is Born" is heart wrenching, beautifully made, and a musical gift, making it a worthwhile watch for anyone.
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