13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
As many other titles...
1 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
They should have done it better. I loved the first season. Brilliant. I am all up for not keeping anything silent. Speak up. I love what they stand for. What they show, the story. Season 2 was just fine. But... Season 3. There seems to lack what the previous seasons had. Depth. Character. It seems rushed. Clay walks around with a new girl, that apparently gets to know everything for no efford. While before, secrets were secrets..New girl gets the entire story just like that... Clay and the new girl plays detectives.. Suspects their friends one by one. Even confronts them with it... And they just get an explanation out of the blue. No anger to why their friends was suspects or anything. No "hey, don't accuse me of things"... Nothing. We just keep seeing different peoples stories, secrets.. Then comes the detective work... Accusing their friends one by one and it's all fine with them...

Season 3 is kinda of a letdown.
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