Spendidly robust
1 September 2019
Opinionated, erudite, brutal, with a sharp turn of phrase and a peculiar eye: Jonathan Meades is a cultural critic like few others, a proof that, in the age of the lowbrow, the highbrow can still deliver something entertaining and unique. Meades in unashamedly snobbish, but his snobbery is often directed upwards not downwards; what he likes is unpredictable, even as he is (perhaps less surprsingly) giving most of the architectural (and wider cultural) legacy of Francisco Franco a merciless and well-deserved kicking. What you don't get is the usual wisdom; the result is enlightening, even if you might not agree on every point. Voices likes Meades's are not often granted this sort of platform; when you get the chance to listen, take it.
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