Entertaining and tense till middle, Peters out after that".
30 August 2019
It comes at night Horror review (8/10)- "Entertaining and tense till the middle, Peters out after that".

The Good

"Bursting with visual and sound effects". "Striking camera angles". "Dramatic opening scenes". "Immediate sense of mystery". "Spooky, remote setting". "Highly effective tension building". "Thought provoking ending". "Relatable characters". "Good character relationships".

The Bad

"Too much left unexplained". "Mid-section slightly uneventful". "Story in need of development".


According to Wikipedia, "It Comes at Night is a 2017 American horror film written and directed by Trey Edward Shults".


Dramatic opening, immediate sense of mystery, costumes are also used effectively.

From the first minute, darkness and heavy breathing sound effects hook you. Good signs for things to come...

Shadows in darkness are clear, and noise from surface contact almost echoes making you sensitive to every event. Even the setting is spooky and traditional. Images fade into one another, creating striking visual displays.

Time is used well to raise suspense. No event occurs without a chilling build up. Lighting is consistently dim, hiding exactly what the writer chooses.

It was a shame nothing truly shocking happened, for the mid-parts of the film. It felt a little more action would have helped showcase the great special effects even more.

The ending was very thought provoking. The storyline could've been developed from middle to end, to unravel more of the mysteries from evil presence. I feel a little too much was left open ended for the film to be considered great. A shame for such a great beginning...


Darker themes are immediately evident, with lighting and sound effects from the off... Unfortunately, with a lack of actual horror depiction, things never truly build up to the climax of the horror genre. Many mysteries are apparent throughout, so perhaps "dark thriller" or "mystery drama", may be better genres for this film. Overall though, I guess a slightly letdown horror is how it appears.


Stressful voices and breathing, immediately reveal emotional depth to main characters. Character tone of voice and visible expression from the word go, gives you empathy for their roles. A combination of stress, sympathy and shock is felt. Sufficient time is spent in dialogue, to understand the situation well enough to unravel plot events to come. Relationships develop well in a believable way, introducing more positive themes, not always seen in horror movies.


Music is a series of clash-style notes, which immediately elevate tension. Sound effects and volume are combined in tense moments, lifting the entire experience. Music is kept quiet, where background sounds are important. Both work together very well... Music in happier times, was kept jaunty.


"Entertaining and tense till the middle, Peters out after that".

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