Summit (I) (2014)
Offensively bad
27 August 2019
You'd think having been written by a women.. the usual objectifying and disrespect would be the type of offensive things that would be the first to go... That she would want to show her female leads as intelligent, useful, thoughtful, and strong women that don't need men to carry the storyline or save them. Instead, this is full of the same stereotypical garbage and aggression towards the only 2 women in the movie that you'd see in any awful, female dumping garbage. The worst part of this film, other than the hilariously AWFUL writing and acting, is that the characters are the !!!worst!!! making it impossible to care what happens to any of them. Actually, I found myself rooting for something... ANYTHING to kill them off by the end of this! Talk about weak mined and useless!! The best part of any movie, especially a horror or murder mystery, is trying to figure out the twist at the end. But, you have to have writing good enough to give you a storyline to begin with or there's nothing to piece together. In this one, in what you can only assume was an attempt to not give away the completely bizzerk and rediculouse twist, we aren't even given enough information for the story to make ANY sense Whatso-ever. And by the time we get the needed info, ya just don't care anymore. Besides, it was so stupid it didn't matter anyway. Spare yourself this one. Not even a single fun, funny, enjoyable moment to justify the utter waist of time it is. I'd say trimming your toe nails while watching paint dry would be a better use of your time.
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