About Right
26 August 2019
I think they got this about right. It was always going to be difficult because the characters and original actors are ingrained in our consciousness, but the set recreation, "low budget effects", and feeling and yet just enough difference from the original made this a pleasant diversion.

Kevin McNally was a more than decent Capt Mainwaring, Robert Bathhurst less convincing as Sgt Wilson, and I am reserving judgment on David Hayman as Frazier.

I have seen interviews with Kevin McNally where he has stated that these episodes have been made with love and I think that is about right. They will never quite match the originals but overall it is a very good effort.

Please let's hope that Gold does not feel the need to create new material though - these episodes only remind us that Croft & Perry got it right. Modern writing will be hampered by political correctness.
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