Good series that could have been better
24 August 2019
I mostly liked the series, and I appreciate how hard and well the actors worked. Well done. My problem is with the writing, which for me is uneven and too often filled with gaffes. Major issue 1: No criminal, much less a serial killer, will be allowed to go anywhere without handcuffs, much less be allowed to attack visitors or escape. The fact this resulted in horror just makes the stupidity that much worse. It happens too many times to the point of silliness. Issue 2: JKY is a beautiful, talented actor, yet he is often reduced to long, boring scenes of staring at people, especially JKJ's lovely character. The child actor had to do the same. That might be touching for a bit, but it was used to the point of annoyance. I bet if we pulled those scenes, they would constitute a couple of episodes of staring adoringly. The actors deserved better scripts. Frankly, there is just too much repetition: this could have been a shorter series or even a movie.
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