Great short, but a few critical comments...
17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched "The Gunfighter" many times, and always get a kick out of it. I give it one star short of 10 only because I do have a couple of quibbles.

(1) "The weary gunfighter walked slowly through the saloon. The long miles from Cheyenne had taken their toll." / "It was a good speech, and things might have turned out differently if the crowd never found out that the gunfighter had just last night shot and killed the youngest son of John McCullers..." (Narrator)

COMMENT: At first, you think the Gunfighter has just arrived in town from Cheyenne. And he's weary... But he actually arrived the day before, apparently. And he had enough energy in him to shoot John McCullers' son dead.

(2) "That music. Seems kinda ominous, don't it?" (Sally)

COMMENT: Yet the story starts out with music that continues as the Gunfighter walks into the saloon and walks over to the bar. It only stops when the Narrator begins to speak. No one hears this music.

(3) Sally is standing throughout the short.

COMMENT: Except from 6:19 to 6:22, when she's sitting at the table, gun in hand. At 6:32, she's back standing again.

(4) "Little did she know that she would be mauled to death by a rabid wolf the very next day." (Narrator)

COMMENT: But if Sally is aware of this "fate" a day in advance, can't she just stay inside or do whatever it takes to avoid this death?
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