Review of Awake

Awake (III) (2019)
What is wrong with you people?
16 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think one should no be allowed to completely trash a movie without having a measure of intellect. Which means that a smart person can find enough good in most movies to say something good if being realistic.

So I admit this movie has a lot of problems that plague lower budget movies. The cast has two leads with names that you would recognize, or should. Rys-Myers isn't the greatest actor but he's not the worst. He is miscast in this role. I would have loved to see someone like Ethan Hawke in his role. Francesca Eastwood, although not great was the best part of this movie. Amy Adams would have been better in this role. Reference-Sharp Objects. The role of the psychopath would have been played much better by Edward Norton. Alas, they didn't have that budget. The worst part of this movie is the Sheriff who is the psychopath's father. Horrible acting. No emotion reflected in what should have been a very emotional twist at the end of the movie. He alone could have elevated the movie exponentially. That should have been someone like Russell Crowe which has the chops to bite down on a perfect moment like that and take your breath away.

When it is all said and done it's an excellent, almost predictable story that could have been done much better with a better cast and better budget. The twist at the end alone, if done better by one actor, could have changed the playing field for this movie.

Was it worth watching? Yes. Was it worth paying to watch? Maybe, maybe not. Does it deserve all of the horrible reviews? Absolutely not.
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