Sudden promotion
16 August 2019
It's like the makers of the show realised 'The Good-Time News' two episodes ago was so good they'd repeat some of its ideas here as if that episode never happened.

Lou is promoted to an unwanted management job. Mary assumes she is next in line so immediately rejects the offer of Lou's job, but Lou says she isn't automatically going to get it: everyone will be considered.

This gets Phyllis on the case espousing on feminism and standing up for yourself at work etc... just so long as someone else is doing the hard work and the standing up. After that Mary decides she wants the job after all but Lou says he wouldn't appoint her as she's a woman.

Murray gets the job instead but flounders in trying to put his mark on the news (one brief idea is even a 'comics' section in the news). The Mary versus Murray promotion angle is only briefly explored but they'd return to that idea in 'Operation: Lou'.

The script is like a jumble of familiar elements rather than a cohesive story but the regulars play well and keep the jokes flying so you almost don't notice that.

One of the shows running on WJM is a repeat of 'My Mother the Car' and Chuckles the Clown appears in a walk-on sight gag.
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