The Pursuit (2019)
50% agree because one-sided
14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can agree only 50% with Arthur Brooks because he did not talk about any issues of capitalism in the current USA. But it is a nice documentary to show why capitalist thinks capitalism is the best. It is too one-sided to good things about capitalism and problems of democratic socialism. So, it is better to watch together with Michael Moore's documentary "capitalism" to learn problems of capitalism and good things about democratic socialism.

Arthur Brooks says, "capitalism removes poverty, but capitalism fails without ethics when people always put themselves before other's needs. Real evil is not capitalism but selfishness for the love of money and discrimination which divides citizens. Handout of welfare does not make people happy. What makes people happy is the sense of "needed" by society. To be happy, people need to work for something to contribute to society. And also, people need to give back other people opportunities to contribute to society. That is how citizens can make a great country together. Poverty is when young people have no ambition." Arthur criticizes Scandinavian's welfare, racism, and no-individualism culture by citing their words and "The Law of Jante": "over-ambition is bad," "don't think you are special."

Arthur praises current India and old America's economic growth, and he thinks people are happy in such a situation.

Will America be great if every American stop admiring democratic socialism? Will America be great if every American becomes an entrepreneur and works hard and gives back to others individually without government's regulation as Authur suggests? Can all current American have such chances without the government's intervention? Didn't old America have a much smaller gap between the middle class and the top 2%?

Sometimes he seemed to be confused and contradicted to his ideology when he praises capitalism and criticizes democratic socialism. Dalai lama looked confused, talking with him too.
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