The type of show you keep on in the background
11 August 2019
Let me start by saying this show definitely has potential. The premise is good and there are some solid acts. However, the majority of acts are simply not funny. Based on the audience reactions, the acts might be funnier live, but on TV a lot of them are pretty dull and even cringy to watch. The worst part is that the judges seem to love every act. Kebab does give some criticism, but it's always veiled by undeserved praise. This show would greatly benefit from a Simon Cowell type figure who would give honest criticism, even if it's harsh. Unlike most people here, I don't have a problem with Chrissy- I actually think she's made better decisions than the other two during eliminations. I do wish she would speak her mind more though; she seems to blindly agree with what the others say. I know she's not an experienced comedian, but a random audience member would be able to provide more original comments than she does. Finally, the host doesn't really do anything for me. To be honest she's sort of annoying.

To sum it up, this show would be way better if it had better/funnier contestants, a harsher judge and/or more constructive criticism and original comments from the judges instead of blind praise, and a different host. For now, it's a good show to leave on in the background while you're doing other stuff.
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