The Break-In (2016)
Could've been good...
10 August 2019
I actually kind of liked this film...for the most part. First of all, the premise was relatively unique, even in the saturated "home invasion" film space, and the ending was somewhat unexpected and clever.

The cast was also decent at portraying realistic characters with the exception of the main female character, Melissa. She was so over-the-top cutesy and bubbly, every time she spoke I cringed and it totally took me out of the film for that moment as I thought about how annoyed I'd be having to hang out with a grown woman who acts like a little girl 24/7. Maybe she's like that in person...but hopefully not. It's really off-putting and irritating seeing a women in her 30's (I'm assuming) constantly push this "aren't I adorable??" act.

Another miss was the inclusion of a scene that was supposed to be a dream, yet was apparently filmed on the lead character's phone because we see it as the audience. That piece caused a lot of confusion, as it wasn't clear whether it was actually a dream or if another physical activity occurred (trying not to include any spoilers here) and the dream was misunderstood by the lead himself, but it could've been more concisely explained. If it was in fact a dream, we shouldn't have seen it as the entire movie is "found footage" pulled from a cell phone.

All in all, I found it entertaining enough as a diehard found footage fan, but it had some major dings against it that could've easily been improved. Not a bad effort for what appears to be literally no budget at all, and I appreciated the bought that obviously went into the storyline, though.
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