BRING THE SOUL :THE MOVIE, How I brought my soul to the movie of bts and finally let go of my hatred and anger.
8 August 2019
I have never watched a bts movie and I got to do it today alone in a cinema full of girls, boys, men and women I sat down gently and quietly and started watching with the others who were filled with love and anticipation for the movie. Being my first time the first thing I saw was a red light waving thing and people screaming and singing that was how I got the goosebumps that never went away. I watched them dance and sing, I also watch them ate a lot lol and I began to see it was a flashback something and I begin to realize why they're popular, why people love them so much all over the world. These seven young men are amazing and passionate I'm a defense lawyer (I have a friend who's crazy about them she bought me the ticket couldn't make it because we each have a different schedule so she will be watching after my time) and I see a lot of messed up things since my clients are usually made up of abused women and young girls and my hatred for men and society began to grow until this evening that I saw bts at the cinema. The choreography is always in sync and amazing, the vocals, the trust they've with each other on that stage, the energy and above all the fans singing every tune with them (I finally realized why my friend uses their music to prepare during court sessions) and above all I saw a beautiful strong brotherhood - friendship they've among themselves. I heard their closing speech and during the time I was watching I was on Google and shazam, googling them and since my friend already sent me the lyrics before I entered to watch I was able to Shazam the song read lyrics to catch up (I must have looked like a newbie to the others lol) I finally found some songs that I love which not totally coincidence my friend loves too. The lyrics helped me to understand and why I made the decision to give up on hate, I love the songs LOVE MYSELF:ANSWER , MAGIC SHOP and I'M FINE. I told myself I needed to be fine to love myself I let myself digest the lyrics I felt the power of the words and I understood finally. The movie is great the boys are dynamics they reached out to my soul as if their hands were touching it (I told my friend these words when she finished watching it during our ride back home she asked the taxi driver to stop and showed me a video of them on unicef during friend ship day) I watched the video describing my exact words of them touching my soul, I sat down on the pavement and bawl out like a baby I cried my sorrows away, I cried out loudly and silently with no care in the world people passing by thought something happened stopping to ask or look (I'm 27 yrs old I didn't care or give a cr*p) my friend was reassuring them that everything is OK. Seeing that video of unicef triggered something in me, my bottle up anger and sadness of everything in my life and job just burst out. These boys aren't made of steel or have super power but their songs sure do because you feel all their love and emotions in those songs. This movie opened up a lot of things for me, I think bts are what I needed all these time maybe in the back of my mind I already knew I will love them for life if I ever decided to stop ignoring them and listen to my friend and she wasn't wrong one bit. This movie has what it takes to really see a genuine, real and passionate artists who loves what they do, aren't afraid to show their emotions and weaknesses and with God and those battalions of fans I saw on the screen they are well protected and love. This movie has joy, fun, good editing maybe the best (not exaggerating) though a few emotional scenes which is good I can say I didn't waste my time one bit. Their concert is must for me and I plan to go if they ever made it to my country and I hope they do and I also know I won't regret it. Though this might not sound like a review since it's too long and such I just wanted to say what was on my mind and I hope if you're considering going to see the movie that you really go see it, it will be worth it and it will make you feel refresh and light hearted. I'm still on Google checking up on them that's how I found this site and decided to share my THOUGHTS. A good movie like this deserves to be seeing a thousand times and I hope they make more like this in the future. Bts wherever you're right now thank you for making these great songs and I promise I won't ignore or abandon you I will support you forever please keep on making amazing music for us. I love the fans too (getting updates from my friend) you guys are lucky to have this group as your artist I hope y'all will keep supporting them they're a gem you won't ever discover twice (they're the first kpop group I've ever seen or heard I'm a Rihanna fan) support and love them, shower them with love and praises because they deserve it as seen from the movie. Watch this movie, go home and listen to the album love myself answer (ps that's my favorite album as of today on Spotify) BTS THANK YOU
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