Pet Sematary (2019)
3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a piece of junk.

The book wasn't great, the original film wasn't that good, the sequel to the original film was laughable, and now this absurd turd exists, too. Pet Sematary just isn't very good, all around, in my opinion.

They won't even call the Indian Burial Ground an Indian Burial Ground. That's how PC hellywood has become.

And, again: this film is laughable. Zombie daughter doing ballet, breaking things? Brilliant idea, guys. We should definitely pay you millions to craft this.

Even Jud is written terribly, here. No charm, like in the book or original film, and I'd argue that he's one of the best characters ever written in books, much less a Stephen King story.

Skip this mess. The trailer looked awesome, and it's so damned sloppy it'll make your head spin. And that's coming from someone who was excited to see this.
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