The Lion King (2019)
Know what to expect from this,people!!!!!
31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was initially surprised when this movie received a 55-60% rating on RT.Most of the complaints were about the lack of facial expressions.Come on!!!! Don't you know it when the trailers were released!!!! I knew.So I went to the theater not expecting that.And I knew the movie will be a 90% shot by shot remake of the original.So I didn't expect anything new.I went to this movie purely for the CGI and Hans Zimmer's score.And both of them were satisfactory.The CGI was one of the best ever I've come across in my life.Watching it in IMAX,it was an absolute visual treat.Though Hans Zimmer didn't have much scope for new innovative scores in this movie,his new versions of the scores from the original movie were good to hear.Despite being a shot by shot remake,there were a few things added and all of them were good.

There were noticeable flaws.Especially the voice acting.Some of the dialogue delivery was poor,even from James Earl Jones("Is that a challenge?").But he is almost 90 so its understandable.And scar is a mixed bag.He was good in most of the places,but at times he was pathetic ("Long live the king").And there were moments where the scenes felt rushed which took off the feel.But they really screwed up the end where Simba climbs priderock for the last roar,with out of sync music and rushed up editing

Overall I could give a 7.5/10....8 will be too much for this.And don't go to the movie expecting the same emotion from the original.Just watch it for the technical brilliance
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