I hate Maggie now. 😡
30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When Maggie appeared for the first time, I didn't like her much. I felt like there was something about her. Something might go wrong with her. Later, she started to love Glenn and becoming that sort of girl who takes responsibilities for Glenn, so, I started to like her. But I was wrong about it. Things finally went wrong because of her. Even Glenn could hold not saying anything. She just told everything they want to know. Of course I know that she did that because she wanted to save Glenn. Just to save him and betrayed the whole group is not acceptable. That kind of people are so dangerous. That's why I hate Maggie now. 😡

What I like is the group. They all want to save their members no matter what. Once they are facing grave danger, all goes out and tries to save them. Even Daryl wants to save Glenn while Merle has turned completely a bad guy. Even worst.

What I hate is what Maggie did. Why did she listen and do whatever the governor guy wanted her to do? She should decline. What could he do to her if she decline? So, I think she doesn't need to be that afraid.

And I also don't like that researcher. He didn't believe what Andrea said. He just wanted to set him free. If I were Andrea, I wouldn't save him. He's so stupid. So, I'd let him die.

Overall is that this episode shows there are two kinds of people. And that we should value good people as diamonds. I love their friendships. I hope they could last forever. And also I hope that they could save Glenn and that stupid Maggie. I can't wait to see they are saved.
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