Its Not Just About The BSB And N Sync. Watch It
28 July 2019
I thought this was done really well from start to finish.Be nice to have few more of Back Street Boys and N sync with opinions even if phoned in on camera from other destinations. After older people got duped in business with Lou. I feel sad how much life have left in them. Aaron Carter, I don't get the stupidity of his words and believe. The other bands after the great two parted ways in very public fight. Puzzling to one, how much wants band fame and pay, so still signed with this lunatic. Those are incidents that they could have stopped but didn't. So I have little tears for that middle story piece.

This deserved better than YouTube show, but maybe rights and showing move to other carriers after contract done or side deals made from start. 7/10 PS.I wonder if Lou was the paperboy when in jail?

Most written here was common knowledge before doc and what i wrote so i see no spoilers given out.
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