Such A Sad And Screwed Up Case
28 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This case is so screwed up but it is so interesting. Dee Dee claimed that Gypsy had cancer even though she never did. But she was also very abusive to Gypsy and it got bad to the point that she bribed her boyfriend from Wisconsin that she met online to kill Dee Dee. And while I don't condone murder I understand why she wanted her dead. The sad thing is, I dont just feel bad for Gypsy but in some way I feel bad for Nick (her boyfriend) who has autism. He has been in prison before then though. He got arrested at a McDonalds, but he was very immature despite being autistic. He also got life in prison, which i thought was too harsh because the mother was absolutely horrible to Gypsy and made her sick all for attention and sympathy and money for trips, but she also was controlling and abused her terribly. So I really think Nick needs maybe 15 or 20 years for murdering Dee Dee and not life. I will say, I am glad he was brutally honest when he admitted that he stabbed Dee Dee. Which as an autistic person myself, it is a big habit autistic people has, and I am talking about being brutally honest almost all the time. I will say, this documentary was so good and this case is so sad but so interesting. 9 out of 10.
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