How Can One Even Critique A Movie Like This?
26 July 2019
Sometimes, a movie comes along that defies the standards of what makes a good film or a bad film and it becomes hard to review it. Is something like Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 a "good" movie? Absolutely not. The acting is mostly awful, the death scenes are ludicrous, and about half the film is comprised of footage from the original film that's been crudely stitched together with a new wraparound story as an excuse to save money.

So why does this movie still manage to delight?

Eric Freeman plays the brother of the notorious Santa Claus killer in the previous film and he's grown up to have an equally refined taste for holiday homicide. He's being questioned by a psychiatrist (as we see a Reader's Digest version of the original film in case you needed to be caught up.) It turns out that he has one target left - the evil Mother Superior who traumatized both brothers at the orphanage all those years ago.

This isn't a scathing critique on organized religion or anything, so don't get too excited. It's a rather run of the mill slasher flick with some insanely over the top acting by Freeman that makes one think he's not performing to the cameras in front of him, but to an invisible audience on Mars. He makes the film worth seeing.
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