Love that beard!
23 July 2019
The quick pitch: Martial arts master Steve Chase is hired to rescue an important scientist who has been kidnapped for his potato-to-fuel formula. His chemical process also produces a mind-control drug that the evil Marduk intends to use for world domination. (What kind of potatoes do they grow in South Africa?)

Until I ran across Kill and Kill Again, I had no idea that a South African martial arts movie was a thing. After watching this one, if there are more, I see why they're not very well known. Overall, Kill and Kill Again is not really a very good movie. Acting, special effects, editing, and much of the script come straight from the bottom of the proverbial barrel. Two things that especially annoyed me, however, were (1) the lame, simplistic final act and (2) the uber slow-paced fight choreography.

That's not to say that Kill and Kill Again is all bad. There is quite a bit of fun to be had - even if some of it might be an unintentional laugh or two. The scenes where Chase is putting his band together are a highlight. Tug-of-war with a guy named Gorilla, levitation practice with the Fly, and junkyard fights with pal Gypsy Billy - it might be stupid fun, but it's still fun. And then there's chief baddie Marduk - he's not really so menacing as he is ridiculous looking. That beard he wears looked like something you'd find after Halloween in a dollar store clearance bin. Too funny.

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