...'never saw her coming...
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off with I cannot rate this film. I cannot rate this film because I am too emotionally attached to it. As I read the reviews on the Crying Game, I am finding more and more people who are not only shocked by the twist, but are floored by the love story between Dil and Jimmy. These two grow to love each other in a way that we expect to find in a traditional heterosexual relationship and sometimes in a straight up homosexual relationship. After all, when the man finds out that the girl is really a guy the story is supposed to end there with the guy feeling very let down and the "girl' wishing it did not have to change things. Should it? Yes, if the guy cannot handle it. And we are talking about what can only be called a great hullaballoo. What makes this a sweet love story is Jimmy never really stops loving Dil. Granted, he is uncertain on how to continue things, but we must remember, Jimmy is not equipped to deal with this great turn of his reality. In order to continue his love for Dil, does he have to become homosexual? Can he still love her without physical intimacy? Let's face it, having a platonic love relationship is theoretical until you have to put it into practice. And that can get really difficult when a person is deeply attracted to another person. And this is what Jimmy (previously known as Fergus) is wrestling with. Remember Jacob wrestling with the Angel in the Book of Genesis? (This should give you an idea of my sleepless nights a week back. That's right - like 14,999 other heterosexual men out there, I have fallen for Dil.) . Jimmy realizes he still loves Dil and must reconcile his own individual sexuality. And a lot of people are not going to like what path he pursues with Dil. And not all of those unhappy people will be traditional heterosexuals. This is what is making people react {so strongly} to this film. Which in turn means director Neil Jordan hit this one out of the ballpark. Ciao, baby!
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