Blacking out
22 July 2019
Part of me was actually looking forward to 'The Blackout Experiments'. The premise was really interesting and quite ambitious and there were some great ideas here. It was hardly a film that was dead in the water from the start, don't know that many films out there like that. This is coming from somebody who genuinely wanted 'The Blackout Experiments' to work, not a malicious person who doesn't like anything (actually try to be perceptive and am usually generous).

Just didn't care for 'The Blackout Experiments' at all unfortunately, though am going to be a little more forgiving than others in summing up my disappointed thoughts. Interesting concept wasted (grrr!) and great ideas not followed through, that was one of the biggest things that annoyed me. There's definitely far worse around, but am going to have to be on the negative side of the mixed, well negative, critical reception.

If there was one redeeming value with 'The Blackout Experiments', it was the score which was quite ominous. One just wishes that carried over in everything else.

Everything in 'The Blackout Experiments' felt bland and too safe, with not enough to sustain much interest. Have seen far worse looking films, but more atmosphere and smoothness was sorely needed.

'The Blackout Experiments' lacked surprises to be shocking or with enough to make one illuminated or amazed at what they are hearing. Learned nothing from this. It lacked suspense or any kind of atmosphere to be scary, the very few attempts at this aspect were predictable and easily foreseeable too early. Things like torture was gratuitous and unintentionally silly. One doesn't learn enough to be properly intrigued or care about what is being said or shown to them. The very dull pace, deadeningly so in spots, and over-extended length kills any intensity, of which there is pretty much none.

Some of the therapeutic aspects, which in my mind the film spends rather too much emphasis on, lack depth and get repetitive, the film is rather too heavy on the talk and too much of it is rambling and self indulgent and the characters didn't engage or even connect with me. Even those in front of the camera don't look that interested.

All in all, didn't care for it. 2/10
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