Seriously funny stuff here!
22 July 2019
Ok, I'm hard on comedies but this one sunk it's claws into me and it was a good feeling. The hilarious story of two keystone cop type buddies Ernie (Brian Gianci) and Joe (James Wirt) who decide to test an experimental love potent on two unsuspecting real estate agents to judge the effectiveness of the drug. Ernie wants to slip some to his wife to help their love lost marriage but wants to be sure it is 'safe'. His brother and partner in crime, Joe, is an aspiring filmmaker and wants to document the whole thing. James Wirt TW is way roariously funny coupled with Brian Giance. Stand performances as well as from Kevin O'Donnell, the angry, jealous husband of the real estate gal they drugged. He finds out about it and captures Joe to torture him and tell him who his partner is. So, so very thigh slapping funny stuff. Fantastic filmmaking and worthy of any watch.
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