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18 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I believed 100% Peterson was guilty before I watched this. I now believe about 90% he is guilty. One thing I am sure about and that has been proved is that Nancy Grace has never gotten over the death of her fiancé all those years ago and is making every suspect a surrogate for the man that killed her fiancé. It's tragic for all parties and all cases she "reports" on. I can't imagine the struggle the jury had to deal with in this case but it was disgusting how most (a couple In particular) found this to be nothing more than a shot at the spotlight. And the people that went to court and yelled at Peterson's family members and rubbed his death sentence in their faces are especially disgusting. I don't care if you saw the murder yourself and you are in the crowd, you are an evil to take it out on his family. I still believe in his guilt but, I am enlightened at the nuances of what I believed was a straight forward case.
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