At a time when most of America was too "P.C." to question . . .
16 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "Native Americans'" seemingly permanent sense of privilege, umbrage and entitlement, the folks behind "Popeye" bravely assail several Sacred Cows with I YAM WHAT I YAM. This animated short begins with America's favorite sailor--along with his sidekicks "Wimpy" and "Olive"--recreating the voyage of the Mayflower, infamous leaks and all. Moving efficiently from explorer to pioneer mode, Popeye soon takes advantage of America's bountiful forests to carve out a cabin from the Wilderness. However, the sore loser posers try to thwart the hallmarks of USA Civilization at every turn as I YAM WHAT I YAM continues. Though Popeye gratuitously demonstrates the drawbacks of their antiquated bow-and-arrow "hunting" system to them, these malingering miscreants fail to learn his lesson. The Paramount Movie Studio suggests that they're just in it for the money, as contact with pioneer Popeye turns a quartet of mercenaries into cold, hard cash. Paramount later points out that these so-called "indigenous people" are Johnny-come-latelies compared to the actual native life forms (such as the ducks), by transforming the Chief U.S. "Indian" into the most famous Asian "Indian" This is a clear reference to the Asian land bridge upon which anthropologists have proven that these Sooner immigrants traipsed over into our American Homeland.
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