Retake (2016)
Dark Cloud Go Away!
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have to give credit to the writers for coming up with a relatively unique plot line, even if it left me feeling depressed and sad for the main character. I've certainly known my share of control freaks in my life, but this character goes above and beyond. He's got major mental health issues that aren't really resolved by the movie's end.

Tuc Watkins does a fine job of playing the uptight, controlling "Jonathan" on a mission to recreate almost every significant and insignificant detail of a past road trip. I particularly enjoyed Devon Graye as "Adam", the hustler-with-a-heart who tries his best to fix a clearly broken Jonathan.

Ultimately, the main character makes no emotional progress. He's left trapped in a remorseful, obsessed, sad world of his own making. I don't have a need for every movie I watch to have a happy ending, but this one left me feeling sad and depressed. Retake is a movie I'll never want to rewatch.
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