Review of Euphoria

Euphoria (2019– )
Personal feelings for this one will probably depend on your background/upbringing
14 July 2019
It sucks to see so many people bashing this show as if it just flaunts nudity and drug use for no reason at all.. In reality, some form of what a lot of these kids are going through did take place where I lived. Not everyone is privileged enough to grow up in a gated community within the suburb of Yuppy Valley, USA. I completely understand if people don't care for this show, or have trouble relating to it...everyone is different -different strokes for different folks... For me, growing up in a high crime area ....seeing several of my friends fall into addiction before making my own way there as well.... Having MULTIPLE friends who, as an underage minor, were sexually assaulted or raped. Parental vision was almost non existent and we kids would grow up on our own running around town at all hours of the night...before eventually falling in with the"wrong" crowd and began learning the art of hustling among other illegal activities as a way and means to survive. We also had the few preppy jocks, and the creepy teachers and all that.... And they were just as cringey and awful as in this show.

Whether you like it or not....regardless of how "offended" you are, most of these stories are so accurate with so many kids growing up and I LOVE finally seeing a show about teens that come from hard times and do what they need to do or have been taught to do to survive... This resonated with much more than any other show about teenagers... And I'm super appreciative.
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