Review of Noobz

Noobz (2012)
Your typical bad comedy movie, but with gamers
13 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Noobz's horrible poster made me think it was going to be one of the usual "adults don't know how technology/teenagers work" movies (ex. Unfriended). Then the trailer made me think it would be a boring comedy-but-not-really film (ex. Grown Ups 2). To this movie's credit, the people behind it do seem to have an idea of video games and gaming culture (even if it is exaggerated). That said, though, it's still a bad movie. A VERY bad movie.

Obviously, the most important part of a comedy is that the movie is funny. There are a few good parts, but Noobz is otherwise horrendously unfunny, and at times, borderline offensive. The movie's brought down by extremely forced edgy jokes; the team of black kids is led by your typical thug (who pulls the race card to get his way at one point), one of the main characters' ENTIRE personality is built around the fact that he's gay but doesn't want to admit it (I didn't count the number of gay jokes made at his expense, but it had to have been at least 30...and by the way, his Gamertag is "Fragget"), and the disabled character is used as a punchline quite a lot as well. There are also jokes about things like rape. I don't mind dark humor, but it has to be more than just "HA HA TABOO THING FUNNY", and this movie doesn't really do that.

The worst part of the movie, though, is the ending. Basically, the plot here is that the four main characters are trying to win a gaming tournament with a grand prize of $400,000 and split the money amongst themselves. Throughout the movie, one of the characters meets a girl and starts to build a relationship with her, and it is eventually revealed that the girl's parents lost her house and she wants some of the prize money to buy it back. The guy hears this and decides to let the girl win the tournament and the money, completely screwing his team over and making the entire movie pointless. There was a very easy way to fix this: why did he not just win the tournament and give the girl his $100,000????? That way, the team would have left with their money and the girl would be still able to buy her house back. It would be a win-win. Very frustrating.

Anyway, while Noobz does a decent job at providing a SOMEWHAT accurate representation of gamers and their community, that only means so much. It might be entertaining if you're watching it with a group of friends, but most of the film isn't very interesting. Gaming is also not as prevalent in this movie as you'd think; until they actually get to the tournament (about halfway through the hour and 40 minute long film), it plays out very similarly to your typical comedy, so I doubt even most "I'M AN EPIC GAMER" types would enjoy this that much. It's a unique movie, sure, but it's not a good one.
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