Review of Hellboy

Hellboy (2019)
Just an ODD Movie...
13 July 2019
Having seen and enjoyed the previous two movies in the franchise (in the sense that it features the same character(s), despite the reboot), I had high expectations. But lets get on with this movie...

The issues with this movie are not few and far between. Nearly every aspect of it simply dosen't work with any other aspect of it... The end result is a movie that either tries to hard (or too little) to be something "cool". It's an odd mix of childish content, bad effects, bad acting, bad decisions, and bad writing.

Childish Content: Hellboy himself is a complete and utter wreck of a character. His never changing look speaks of a low budgit production. And that look is a cliche version of the character. Trying to keep a low pofile while wearing a trenchcoat that can't cover "Big Red"... And this same "feel" comes off with the absolute worst and pointless dialogue ever witnessed in a movie. Terrible one liners, superfluous swears... It comes off like something a little boy, about the age of 13 would think is "cool", "badass", and "funny" having just discovered swearing.

Bad Effects: Just far too much terrible CGI. The end result are visuals that often are at odds with each other in terms of both look and feel, and the effect is a complete abscence of mood or relevance. Again, not sure if they tried too hard, or not hard enough... The end result is the same, though the implications of their intentions is concerning.

Bad Acting: Two words "Mila" and "Jovavich"... I have yet to see or understand how she has managed to escape a career in adult cinema. Easily a worse version of a female Nick Cage (worse because at least Cage can muster a 30% good ratio on his performances). She's flat, lifeless, and utterly ruins the movie... But she isn't the only one to blame... Everyone with speaking lines in this movie aught to hang their heads in shame. Like Nick Cage, we aren't quite sure if he tries too hard, or not hard enough. Again... The end result is the same.

Bad Decisions: Not sure who to blame more... The studio for denying Del Toro and Pearlman the op to finish their trilogy... The director for every aspects of the movie... Those who casted the actors... Or the writers for creating this terrible script. All of it just stinks...

Bad Writing: This, quite simply, is one or the poorest examples of a script I have ever witnessed on screen, save for the final season of GOT. Nothing makes sense... Nothing appears related... Nothing appears to have been thought out beyond how things would be created in CGI. In this last point, it appeared that the special effects were the tail wagging the dog.

The end result comes off as a studio pandering to fans demands for another Hellboy movie, but only in so much as to produce a terrible movie which would stop their demands for any further... Such a waste of a franchise... Such a waste of time... Such a waste of money. To think of how much social good could have been achieved had these millions gone towards some worthy cause, rather than this disappointment.

Yet another Hollywood let down.

P.S. The music is just plain stupid throughout also and the score never really knows what it wants to be either... An Iron Man soundtrack with classic rock songs... Or something with an original score. Just another lamer the lame aspect of this tripe movie.
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