The Scar Crow (2009)
I've seen worse...but not too often.
11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically four idiots who are sent into a military type exercise program by their employer to build physical fitness and teamwork decide to screw off. They come across three cursed ghosts of witches who are enslaved to their undead, cruel scarecrow father. Back in olden times the 3 ghosts' mother was hanged as a witch and then their sleaze bag dad promptly started raping them. They finally stabbed him with a butcher knife and hung him out in the corn fields as a scarecrow. Unfortunately before he died he cursed them for all eternity to be stuck with him there. After being bound on the farm for centuries the three witches raised his dead spirit back into his scarecrow corpse and he told them to get young male victims as substitutes to escape their hellacious situation. And that's what they do pretty easily because, like I said, these guys are IDIOTS. The plot sounds decent enough however...the actors couldn't act (there's only 1 pretty actress and she couldn't either), the effects certainly weren't special, the plot was predictable (the ending made no sense) and there were a lot of holes in it. The first few minutes looked really good but oh well. Maybe after a 6-pack this flick could be 5 stars out of 10 but that's a "maybe"...On second thought, no it wouldn't.
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