Boring and Cliché, missing an all impotent plot
10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Liked the first two but this installment was missing everything that made the other two watchable. A plot that never changed and had no depth, simply a long string of ultimately boring fight scenes (yes fight scenes that are boring, that's gotta be hard to pull off).

I was waiting for the twist, or some sort of sub-plot that would flesh out this film but it never came. I thought maybe when Halley Berry appeared that something would happen but nope just another fight scene but with more dogs added into the mix.

Even the odd joke one liners were so badly timed that they felt awkward and never fresh or funny and acting was wooden from all but Ian McShane and even he could have done lots better.

And the end, well it just seem to confirm that this film was just really a money grab and padding for the next JW4.

"You pissed john? are ya?" "Yeah......" "Yeah...... pissed at having wasted my time watching this film"
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