The Prisoner: Hammer Into Anvil (1967)
Season 1, Episode 10
Turning the Tables
9 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Hammer Into Anvil" after Number Two mentally tortures a woman into commiting suicide, Number Six plots a plan to get revenge on this sadistic Number Two. By doing nonsensical things and making up fake codes and implicating Number Two's underlyings, Number Six convinces Number Two that there is a plot from HQ to usurp him in his role. Number Two eventually makes this man go mad and forced him to resign in disgrace and isolated from those he trusts.

This has probably been my 2nd favorite episode of the series thus far (behind "Many Happy Returns"). I don't think it is coincidental that both of these episodes stray from an episodes typical formula of Number Two trying to escape. This episode doesn't even contain an escape attempt. Instead, the tables have turned and the psychological head games are coming from Number Six in Number Two's direction. His use of codes and misdirection soon causes severe paranoia to overtake Number Two.

This Number Two is interesting. He's definitely the most sadistic, emotional of any we've seen so far. He cracks fairly easily. His facade of being a spiteful torturer to the lady we briefly meet in the beginning is just to mask all the insecurities laying dormant underneath. It's not hard for Number Two to pull these to the surface and just annihilate this man. Everything for this episode really works: the plan, the execution, the direction. It's all just really solid.
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