Review of Snowpiercer

Snowpiercer (2013)
Big name actors fall flat on their faces with this one.
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this one as it had some decent actors in it, but don't be fooled like I was. There were so many plot holes and inconsistencies in this film that it would take too long to list and other reviewers have already done a decent job of listing them. However, my main objection is about the train. This train is verrrrry long - it has about 30 carriages and is rattling along at great speed. It goes around the world once every year. If it travelled it's shortest route, it would travel the circumference of the earth, 25,000 miles. The speed required to travel this distance in one year would be 2.85 miles per hour. Even if it didn't travel in a direct route and it had to zigzag its way around the earth and travelled 50,000 miles, it would only have to travel at 5.7 miles per hour! Now I'm not a scientist but that train was travelling a lot faster than that.
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