Play or Die (2019)
Over used idea - but well put together
7 July 2019
As a fan of horror films I have felt a big let down in many movies in past years as they fail to give deapth to a movie and give you the "after' feeling of a horror movie when you keep thinking of it. So...I've seen alot of bad reviews on the this movie and when I watched it I was suprised. The movie it self is pretty fun to watch, once the action kicks off you really are captivated, espcially when questions rise up. First of all, what I love about the movie is its direct approach to many question that arise while watching the film. The characters do not ignore but rather ask them and say what they think. Thats a very good sign of a horror movie in my opinion, because while most of the horror films ignore the obivios and logical question, either not asking them or just accepting vague answer, these characters put the hard question on the line and give you a satisfication that the characters aren't making stupid desicions like in most horror films. Moreover, this movie has great actors, the main actor had me get the feels when he was angry, or sad or even scared. Many people belive that horror films "need" to be as good as old ones, but the truth is that originality isn't just taking a new idea and making a movie about it, you can see many movies that failed to do it, originality is taking the movie to a different place, by using or not using the same idea, just having a different narrative. In other words, making a movie that doesn't end with the death of everyone and the killer is loose, this is an exampe of a lack of originality, but rather making a film with a big twist that you didn't see coming, either if its fitting for a horror film or not. I believe that this film does it really well, putting together alot of mestries throughout and finishing with a answering a few and adding alot more depth to the main character (which many horror films fail to do! adding depth is number 1 biggest fail of many horror films that just have broad and shallow characters, and there is many, many horror films today that are considered "Good" but fail to do all of the above).

A big downfall of this movie is that the characthers seem to be really smart, they solve the riddles too quickly and it doesn't feel like its much of challenge. In addition it is very hard to understand sometimes how they solved the riddle, but the movie does a very good job explaining it. It could be either an advantage or disadvantage of the movie depends how you see it.

Lastly, a TL;DR - if you are looking for a well put medium gore/horror story this one is pretty nice, with great actors and a different storyline that usuall with major twists :)
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