This movie another movie about man who is spider, but is not really spider man
3 July 2019
This movie is another movie like same but different movie about teenage man who have power that make him like spider. But really he have nothing about him like spider. Still he having four arms and legs and look like real person until he putting on pajaams. Then he look like teenage man in pajaams, not actual like real spider.

I like this movie more than I like the first time I saw the other movie about the same person, but still have same problem. Is very hard to believe. No spider give you magic when it eat you, but in this movie they dont talk about that no more. In this movie, he going to europe and that's it. I think movie abotu man who is spider will be better if it is scary movie, and they make him like real spider and not man wearing pajaams.

Still the people who making this movie have not thought about this yet and instead of spendig money to make teenage man look like real spider, they spend money on making him fly around in air. I think movie will be much better if they make him look like actual spider and not worry so much about making explosions and these things. It will be better movie if it is scary movie about spider man and not man in pajaams who go to europe.
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