The X-Files: The Red and the Black (1998)
Season 5, Episode 14
Fight or die and one rule: Resist or serve the best of X-Files my second favorite episode
30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I love The Red and the Black to death with Patient X I love those two part episodes in fifth Season The X-Files I love them both to death! I love the ending so much. Mulder and Scully head to Wiekamp Air Force Base, Mulder clims on the army truck and try's to save the rebel. Alien bounty hunter try's to kill rebel love the twist so much it was filmed in an air base force which the story was set.

Scully (Gillian Anderson) is hypnosis to revel the evnts what happened on the bridge: the Rebels burning her fellow abductees, as well as a Colonist spacecraft killing the Rebels and abducting Cassandra. Fantastic performence from Gillian Anderson.

Patient X and The Red and the Black manages to use that iconography in an interesting and thought-provoking manner. Instead of clumsily grafting religious imagery on to the mythology to help create a sense of familiarity or recognisability, the two-parter instead uses the idea of divinity to make the show's extraterrestrials seem all the more alien and unknowable. Maybe the colonists are comparable to gods; and that serves to make them even more strange and even more unsettling.

There is a sense that we repeat these stories so often that we lose the sense of horror that they should impart. Perhaps that is the face of the divine embodied by the "colonists" in The X-Files.

Marita Covarrubias played by beautiful Laurie Holden is in this episode a test subject for the the black oil Vaxine and it administered on her. The Well-Manicured Man (John Neville) and other Syndicate Elders watches.

Patient X and The Red and the Black is not only interested in the way that the conspiracy of powerful men tends to victimise women. The two-parter is fascinated with victimhood in general. Not only do Dmitri and the rebels have their eyes seal shut; their mouths are also sealed over. They cannot speak, they cannot talk. They are victims rendered incapable of expressing their suffering to the world. In fact, one suspects that - even if they could express themselves - their suffering would fall on deaf ears.

I love this episode to death I love the ending so much. Alex Krycek storms at Mulder tells him the truth about alien Colonoziation. A war is raging between the aliens and that the Rebel immolations are meant to halt the impending colonization of Earth.

Great performence by David Duchovny as Skeptical Fox Mulder now but really wondrerful performance that gain his fait agin on the end with Alien Bounty Hunter and the rebel.

I really love Patient X and The Red and the Black my favoritenumber 1 episodes in the fifth Season X-Files. The two parts episode is brilant great well writen and directed by Chris Carter. Recommended to X-Files fans including me.
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