Review of Oleanna

Oleanna (1994)
Interesting, but very "heady"...
30 June 2019
Amazing performances as the two actors carry the whole movie. The professor and a female student start by having sort of an "extra help" session, as the student complains that she feels lost in the profs class. The story follows their dialogue into an intellectual, and finally an emotional, hell that has disastrous consequences. Their "journey" touches on sexual harassment, the relationship between student and teacher, the value and purpose of higher education, and other sort of social ills.

Without revealing too much, it's a bit like watching a slow moving train wreck. William H. Macy's character talks his way deeper and deeper into disaster. I think the character was so full of himself, that he completely ignores the clear signs given to him by the student that they were heading into dangerous territory.

I like David Mamet's work. I just felt this one got weighed down by all the verbal gymnastics.
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