A very good documentary.
29 June 2019
This documentary narrated by Ed Asner is about a seldom discussed part of WWII...American consciencious objectors who refused to fight in the war. Although a relatively small percentage of men, the film discusses the reasons they had for refusing to fight...and none of them were that the men were pro-Axis or hated America. How many ended up contributing to the war efforts is also discussed as well as the further anti-war efforts of these guys in the subsequent decades.

The film is engaging and well made. The interviews are interesting and the subject matter interesting simply because so few films have been made about the topic.

By the way, I found the film on the Filmrise Documentary channel and they BUTCHERED the movie...inserting commercials in the most random and often worst places. I am inclined to delete this channel from my Amazon Fire simply because of the frustration you get trying to watch films with Filmrise.
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