The Ducks of Tupei
27 June 2019
Have always considered 'Ducktales' one of Disney's best and a personal favourite. It was that way as a child, like that growing into adolescence when life became increasingly tough and it is like that even more now. The humour is funnier, cleverer and more understandable now, am able to recognise the high quality even more and it has always been a good antidote when in need of a cheering up or distraction, needed a lot these days.

Season 2 consisted of two arcs, "Time is Money" and "Super Ducktales". Both made up of five parts. Both are enjoyable and well done but neither are among the best of 'Ducktales', find "Super Ducktales" to be the better arc, more consistent and prefer the supporting characters. "The Duck Who Would Be King" is the second part of "Time is Money", and for me it is not as good as the previous part "Marking Time". There are a lot of good things here in "The Duck Who Would Be King" and there is much to enjoy, but something is missing.

"The Duck Who Would Be King" would have been better if it felt like it had advanced the "Time is Money" arc and fitted within it. Somehow though, it doesn't really advance it at all and is almost like filler (but entertaining and mostly well done filler at that), not really typing things up and everything that happens is completely forgotten about in the rest of the arc. Instead, this did feel also like a separate 'Ducktales' episode and didn't really belong in the arc.

Also felt that the second twist revelation was not very convincing and felt tacked on, a big opportunity was missed making Mung-Ho a more to him than what he seems character, well it started that way and it was very nearly maintained in a way that rang true. Not much was done making Sen-Sen interesting and she doesn't add an awful lot.

On the other side of the coin, the animation is still great. That was never an issue with me at this point of the show. It is very vibrant, fluidly drawn and the attention to detail in the backgrounds is also note-worthy. Can say nothing wrong about the music, the score is dynamic, beautifully orchestrated, never jarring with the action and full of energy. Just as animated shows of this kind should be. It is impossible to resist or forget the theme song, one of the catchiest in animation and ever.

Quality-wise, the writing has nearly always been high and it is never less than amusing and smart stuff here, with some sharp wit and intrigue to the dialogue and well timed gags. The story is fun and engaging with an exciting climax and a lot is done with the colourful setting. While Bubba can be a character to be taken in small doses, he is cute and amusing here and still serves a purpose to the plot, his subplot actually being essential to figuring out the truth of what is going on. The regular characters are all on top form as is the voice acting.

Summarising, well done episode if not adding much to the arc. 7/10
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