the otherworldly priestess
26 June 2019
Well it seems my wish was granted, as this episode refocuses on Jesus & Yaritza. they get married and head off to L.A. to get their revenge and said word out to their soldiers already in the city to take out Damien and send a message. when the job goes wrong, Jesus must step up and be a leader and take control of the cartel for himself.

this may be the most surreal episode yet, as Yaritza's looks and demeanor absorb each scene with hypnotic suspense. we also get a deeper insight into Jesus and his past, more specifically his relationship with his mother and the strange bond they had. i struggle to really describe the episode, as i feel that most of what i would explain will spoil some of the jaw-dropping moments here. all i will say is this show continues to impress me with each new episode, feeling as if each one is better than the last.

some may get frustrated at this episode as there are a lot of scenes that don't exactly make sense until they're explained later. i enjoy getting lost in the wonder and mystery of it but i also understand that sort of thing may not be for everyone.

ultimately, i cant wait to see what happens when Martin and Jesus finally meet. if these episodes from the latter's perspective tell me anything, its that the detective is screwed.
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