When Artsy overtakes Reality
24 June 2019
I get it.

In the past I have pondered over super-quick dialog drama's like West Wing, wondering if people actually talked like that in those spheres. To me it seemed like the characters know exactly what to say at the drop of a hat without any mistakes, which seemed to me to be unrealistic. In reality. there are mistakes in conversation, people do take time to think about what they are going to say and how they say it.

Too Old to Die Young takes it to the other extreme. Every bat of an eyelid is purposefully portrayed in this drama in excruciating detail. Just like those quick paced dramas, where its not realistic to suggest that people never take pause or thought, this is unrealistic in suggesting that every sentence needs to take pause or thought. Its an art piece, removed from reality, and that makes it very difficult to get absorbed in.

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