Review of Offenders

Absentia: Offenders (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Panic Attacks
22 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode stretches some credibility in the ongoing panic attacks of Em and the shocking results of a violent outburst. It is disclosed in this program that Em has been experimenting with sodium pentothal in order to retrieve memories from her six "lost' years. But she seems to completely lose her composure in administering a near-death beating to her lover Tommy. There was too much violence inconsistent with Em's character, the "Boston Brawl" was far-fetched and over the top!

This fourth episode is also strange in that it virtually closes the book on the subplot of the psychopath Tyler Brandon Mills. A lead has been discovered on a former "admirer" of Tyler named Lisa Tutee, who sent letters to him at a time when she was institutionalized. When the FBI gets a lead on the whereabouts of Tutee, Nick plays the role of soccer dad in placing a tracking device on Tutee's truck while loading groceries. The FBI is now locked in on Lisa!

Nick and his team follow Tutee to a cabin where a little girl is being held hostage after Tyler killed her father. The FBI storm the cabin, and Julianne's profile of Tyler leads Nick to act quickly while Tyler is trying to reload. Because he had no military training, Nick knew that Tyler would be slow locking and loading. He charged him, and delivered the KO punch to Tyler Brandon Mills. The hostage is saved. Tomorrow, Julianne and Nick will question Tyler. On the home front, the "hero" Nick returns to an empty house. Has Alice started a relationship with Dr. Jack?

The new case that is unfolding is that of Cal Isaac and Em tracking the victims of a "pro" killer, who has administered fatal doses of fentanyl to Marco, Valerie, and United States attorney Nathan Farley. But there is still no motive. Two new victims include Congressman Eli Ramos and former Boston Red Sox ballplayer and future Hall of Famer, Cal Bishop. The perceptive Em sees a connection in the rashes and hives on all of the vics. The conclusion: they were all at one time in the same place!
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