Kabir Singh (2019)
Shahid is outstanding, career-best act.....
21 June 2019
The remake stays mostly true to the original. However, the original had better chemistry between the lead actors, hence the love story seemed more effective. While Kabir Singh is a welcome change from stereotypical love stories, this kind of love affair needs some getting used to. Through his protagonist, Sandeep bets all his cards on his leading man, making sure you either love him or hate him, but you can't ignore him.

In this film, relationships come across as a blood sport where the risk of injury is high and only the strongest screw-up will survive. 'Kabir Singh' is truly the survival of the despicable. Their collective action - when they break up - is a crash course on self-flagellation. It's also a much-needed departure from the usual syrupy Bollywood love stories that showcase grand gestures.Put a ring on 'Kabir Sigh' if you are in the mood for watching a love story that's wonderfully wicked and warped.

Kabir Singh is a good watch mainly because of how well the main character is balanced by Shahid Kapoor. Vanga doesn't lose sight of the journey and doesn't forget that amidst all the existentialist dilemmas and song placements, he's telling a modern tale of a toxic male which cannot be justified but has to be told in an entertaining, compelling way. And that it does!

Although Sandeep Vanga does a scene-by-scene adaptation of Arjun Reddy in Kabir Singh, the new take fails to be as impactful as the original. The former also had a long run time, but as a viewer, we didn't mind it as the characters, sequences and emotions were raw. At 2 hours 52 minutes, Kabir Singh works only because of our leading man, Shahid Kapoor. He breathes life into the character of Kabir Singh and showcases a range of emotions from passion, hatred and rage bordering on lunacy. Kabir Singh will definitely click with the youngsters.

Not the typical romantic saga. Unconventional, but powerful. Shahid is outstanding, career-best act. Kiara is lovely. Director Sandeep is an incredible storyteller. Overstretched runtime is a deterrent.
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