Condemned by conscience !!!
18 June 2019
An unusual French Noir, a respectable Pharmacist of the small city, without apparent reason try kiss a lonely young girl almost naked at lake's shore, the girl screaming and he ends up strangler her, aftermath he see her lover has been charge for the murder, worst he will one of the jury, along the picture his own conscience expressed through his thoughts in every place, on streets, meetings their friends, on the bed, everywhere the guilty pursued his mind, in the Courthouse as seventh jury, he tries help the young guy, he has every detail how the crime was happen, so under this circumstances he got put the suspect outside of the crime scene, the young guy is finally declared not guilty for lack of proves, but upcoming facts will change such matter, Bernard Blier perhaps made the best performance ever, his behavior after the murder changes too much, his look is vague, the life don't make sense, a picture to see alone and quiet to enjoy all its fullness, a French near masterpiece!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.75
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