Poor Mr. Waverly
18 June 2019
This episode is notable for being the only one not to be screened back in the day by the BBC. I can only imagine that this was for the brief appearance of footage of H.M. The Queen, and the suggestion that she, along with other world leaders, has been cloned by Thrush! How times have changed since the deferential days of half a century ago. In fact the only person not to leave with their dignity intact is Mr Waverly and by extension Leo G. Carroll. Not only do we catch him dossing down at night in the UNCLE office and swapping banter with a comedy charlady, but then becoming an ingredient in a soup (don't ask) prepared by chief villain Ann Sothern, complete with vegetables on his head. Then there's guest Stan Freberg and Stefanie Powers only rescued from a giant toaster by a random bouncing ball. It's all to inane for words and it's anyone's guess what Freberg thought of the script. Along with that excellent screen baddie Jack Cassidy he's wasted. Powers has a bottle smashed on her head and then blown up and emerges both times with not a hair out of place. It is somehow watchable, and that must largely be due to the charm that Powers and Noel Harrison bring. Just a shame that the series' format and writing tended to be so slapdash.
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