Enough already!
14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was enjoying Sabrina's rise into her powers, was enjoying Aunt Zelda become aware that she'd been turned into a Stepford wife-witch, was enjoying Lilith making a man from her rib... but then some work was required in the continuity department for the plot, and all of that enjoyment had to be thrown out of the window. Once again, could you please hire some writers who didn't graduate from the easy bake school of thought. There are some really good ideas being presented here, but instead of me being able to enjoy them, I'm constantly being dragged back to earth because of the inability, or maybe just the refusal, of the writers to actually work at the craft of writing and plot development, and it is dragging this show down!

For example, they need evidence to prove that Ambrose is innocent so Sabrina and Nick find the body of his familiar that was being controlled by Father Blackwood (and made Ambrose to kill the Anti Pope). Sabrina brings it back to life so it can tell the council the truth and then just takes it home and puts it in a cage. No protection spells, no real security put in place at all, despite knowing that her cousin's life is depending upon the safety of this mouse. Just how stupid are we to believe this chick is? I personally wouldn't feel safe knowing that someone as dumb and careless as this character is has been loaded up with such an unbelievable level of powers.

Writers, you're seriously trying to tell me that the only way you could come up with moving the plot along to the part where they free Aunt Zelda from Father Blackwood's spell, and Sabrina (almost) secretly calls up a faux visit by the dark lord to pardon Ambrose in front of the council, was by using the paltry ill-fated mouse shtick? Or that Harvey, after fighting his father for years over not following the family tradition (and winning), decides that today he just must go down into the mines so he and Theo can later find the shrine to Sabrina and make her believe herself to be evil after all?

Please excuse me while I go find some beer I can cry into.
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