Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (2018 Video Game)
Back to its best.
13 June 2019
Assassin's creed odyssey is the assertion and the reformation of a stale franchise, that in the break of a year and a release later, stands as one of the best RPG's out there and certainty rivalling assassin's creed 2 in this particular franchise.

From the stunning world, to the brilliant combat, to the incredible performance of Kassandra, this game is one of the best of the generation (certainly top 10). Ubisoft have really revitalised a franchise that was on the verge of collapse. Assassin's creed odyssey is stunning. The games fundamentals and basic elements far exceed that of any other assassin's creed game. The performance of Melissa Mahut as Kassandra is incredible as she manages to nail so many different emotions and feelings the character may feel through the awesome new choices made throughout and does it in some style, hence her being nominated at the game awards for it. Ancient Greece is one of the best looking worlds I've ever seen with incredible amounts of detail as ubisoft continued this after the wonderful world of Origins (Egypt). The Gameplay is fun and keeps you changing up styles frequently, a thing that many games struggle with. The choices aid this also as you never know how the game will come back at you, if you lie, romance or kill someone.

All in all this game is one of the best and ignore that moron that complains that it isn't assassin's creed anymore. This is the best assassin's creed has ever been (except 2). Ubisoft have really outdone themselves and despite the 50-80 hours of play through this game is not to be missed. I encourage anyone that hasn't, to buy this game. This truly is one of the best this generation.
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